quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2012


Hi Di...
hoji foi calor, muito calor...andei bastante como ultimamente tenho andado...levar e buscar a Nath na escola...ai, cansa...mesmo assim, ñ desanimei para os serviços basicos d casa...almocinho (gostoso), lavar algumas roupinhas...ah, banho...só c for frio...meu chuveiro ou é quente ou é frio...vc escolhe...kkk...mas graças a Deus por tudo né...hoje a Nath ñ perdeu nada na escola...tadinha, rs, até axou a escovinha d dente perdida ontem...fizemos um novo cracha pra ela, eu e o mo, ficou bem mais lindinho...e mais bem feito tb...a prof dela até ja furou hoji e dpois a Vó Leni deu linha d trico rosa pra pindurar o cracha no pescoço...fofa d+ minha filhota...agora vo banha...preciso d mais uma refrescada pra tenta dormi...bjos Di

sexta-feira, 22 de julho de 2011

I was reading my other post's ...
all have the phrase: I have many things to do, but I'm lazy. Wow! I need to change urgently. Bye! In the next post's talk about that experience, change for the better, of course, in Jesus' name. I'll go start making some of the many things I need to do.

kisses MIL

wow! My last posting was in May. I always abandon my blog's. I have several on the internet, all abandoned.
Today is the feast of my company. In a nightclub, but I can not go. I really wanted to go. is free. and also I've never been in such place, would be making a wish. but everything for my daughter, even that sacrifice. And also today is cold. Good to stay at home.
I have so many things to do at home, tidying and cleaning, but I'm too lazy. I need to be free of it. I need is to grow and assume my responsibilities.
Good! So I go there.
Until the next post, hopefully not take as long as the last.

quarta-feira, 25 de maio de 2011

Today is May 25

I'm off today so woke up late.
I had breakfast with my family
Ricardo was to by or breakfast
then he went to work and I stayed here playing with Nath
We eat potato chips with hamburg. Now I'm watching tv or looking for something interesting to watch...I still have some things to do, but now I'm watching Chris on tv, other things can wait.

terça-feira, 24 de maio de 2011

today...first post...

today, as always, I'm too lazy. Watching Everybody Hates Chris, before Iwas watching the movie Obessessiva, movie with Beyonce, very cool. Now I have to go on the market. I do not want to go , but I really need. But now I will. Bye!
I decide to do a blog in english.
I'm studying english alone.
I do not know anything yet, but even so with the help of google translator I think I can write a bit of my day to day in english.
Maybe this help me learn more.
kiss mil!